2010: A Book of Grace-Filled Days
A great gift for college students, church groups, or anyone on your list who could use a daily nudge in the direction of grace.
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Book Excerpt
February 12th
There shall be no strange god among you nor shall you worship any alien god. Psalm 81:10
"No foreign god" means just that. This commandment, repeated often in the Bible, is achingly clear. So then why are there minishrines to idols all over my life? Money has an altar in one corner. The promise of esteem also invites my allegiance. My own righteousness demands at least one genuflection a day. I want to clean house of these alien gods, but they are persistent. The only way to get them out is to give my loyalty, hour by hour, to God alone.
October 9th
For through faith you are all children of God in Christ Jesus.Galatians 3:26
For the children of God, even thinking small achieves big things. John Leonardi was falsely accused of having a large ego. Exiled from his hometown for most of his life, he was forced to take up residence with another saint-in-the-making, Philip Neri. Philip gave John a place to stay and (a tiny kindness) his pet cat. Meanwhile, John started a religious order bound through history not to grow beyond fifteen communities. It remains today a small seed of goodness in the world. Little graces, big effects!