Zach Czaia describes the mission statement of One Subject Press.
Let's follow Christ's own journey this Lent.
Our worth doesn’t depend on our productivity.
Toxic zeal and religious indifference are both deadly.
In this podcast, Alice Camille talks about the significance of numbers in the Bible, in general, and the meaning of 666 in particular.
Those at the margins are precious in God's eyes, honored guests in a kingdom without end.
For Paul, the "holy kiss" was a way of building community and experiencing the Spirit’s presence among us.
Contemplation of scripture is a process, not a done deal.
Jesus’ encounter with the Sadducees reminds us that the people we love are not ours to possess.
Like the prophet Habakkuk, proclaim both calls for justice and your love for God.
The ethic of inclusion is an element of Catholic identity— and not a small one.
It’s natural to ask God for help, and Christians have been doing it for centuries. How do we show up for this kind of prayer? What is going on when we place our needs before God?
Read the full digital edition of VISION, with Alice's Article on page 108
In our quest for personal freedom, let us not forget the importance of human relationships.
From the August 2022 issue of Give Us This Day (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2022).
From Babel to Pentecost, scripture reminds us to find the beauty of God through our words to one another.
Only twice do the gospels refer to Jesus as a carpenter. But the word might not mean what we think it does.
When catechesis relies too much on dominance it misses the mark.
Reflection: People or Things?
To deepen our vocation to family life, we must acknowledge the constant push and pull between new and old.
Family is about more than sacramental legitimacy.
Encounters with Christ might look different than you think.
Do not be afraid. Good news of great joy is on the horizon.
After a year of isolation, be grateful for a God who makes every gathering memorable.
Reflection: Love, love, love
Dualisms—whether black and white, male and female, or good and evil—are appealing, but often fail to tell the whole story.
Suffering is unavoidable. But sometimes it can lead to healing.
Alice answers the question, What now?
Most Marian stories come from tradition, not scripture.
The Catholic worldview adds incredible richness to our lives—making room for mystery, mercy, and much more.
Mister Rogers was defined by his cardigan and sneakers. What's the Christian equivalent?
After a long year of isolation, it's being together we miss the most.
As long as the work of justice is incomplete, our faith drives us to revolutions large and small.
A FREE monthly online newsletter with a short essay by Alice on "Discernment Matters," published by TrueQuest Communications/VISION Vocation Network.
Alice Camille discusses the philosophy behind the book "Isaiah and the Kingdom of Peace" and describes how she and illustrator Sarah Evelyn Showalter worked together to achieve that vision.
Maybe you missed the tour, but you don't have to miss the reflections from Alice's 2015 Holy Land pilgrimage!
Loyola Press has created a YouTube channel. These videos vary from interviews with authors, reflections, retreat videos, and more. In this video, Vinita Hampton Wright and Alice Camille discuss the role prayer plays in their lives.
Alice Camille describes the power of words.